In firebase Dynamic list showing only one value, I have to get all

I have created a Dynamic List that gets data from firebase, When I run the application it is showing only one card, Why it is not showing all list of cards

My blocks image :

My firebase Structure :

Please solve this issue

use firebase get value of item…

from the obatined result use dictionary block to parse the value…

can you give any image of blocks please

my AIA file link is:
dynList.aia (40.7 KB)

how to use dictionary block to parse the value

dynList_1.aia (40.1 KB)

try this

check now

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ok thankyou. Very very thankyou

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for that how to make click event like when image click it should show title
I have done but it is not working see this image

please help me

Get number from the id, with this number (use as index number) and select the item from the global list , get item… from this item use the procedure block to get title.

Else get image id on click and convert it into lab I’d and use get text block to get title text

I have done like this it is working

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You can use very simple blocks for this approach

how to get another text like when card click get a label, example when any card view click get title text. How to do that

how to get another text like when card click get a label, example when any card view click get title text. How to do that
please help me

get clicked card view id, convert into label id then use the block

get label text>get componet id (put the converted id)

can you give blocks example how to convert and image of blocks

please give blocks image for that, like when any card click then get label text. In above AIA file there is image and text, when image click get label text and show in notifier. Please help me

please give blocks image for that, like when any card click then get label text. In above AIA file there is image and text, when image click get label text and show in notifier. Please help me

when any card click then get label text. In above AIA file there is image and text, when image click get label text and show in notifier. Please help me

Note: you must set or enable clickable to true while creating dynamic image component else this one will not work

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ok thankyou for help :upside_down_face:

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