Incoming SDK 30 hotfix

yes, … and that has to do with components, that can store something …

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Here is an overview of the Android storage system - Scoped / Shared Storage:


Yes, but take a close look at my overview and be aware that the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is no longer available on Android 11.

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i am waiting for video player and web views fixes 2 3 aaps are needed to update but cant because of these bugs

ok i noted what you said, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is important for play store?

Omg, awesome. We all were eagerly waiting for this. Something is better than nothing, bugs accepted.

Please, try to send it by air express to arrive faster :joy:

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Does this mean if I avoid using storage components, I will not get any bugs?

Hi @Omar,

Using the file component or not, issues will occur. @bodymindpower only says there will be issue with the file component to prevent you from using it (for whatever reason :sneezing_face:), but what about other components? Why the misinformation?


:octopus: Nathan

If you let google maps work (without having to compile all the time to know if it worked or not)
If you fix the “preview” in dark mode when it gets buggy, that’s great for me!

Wait, they’re trying to say you’ll have trouble using the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. What will happen if I use the Tiny DB?

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Yes, this is what I was asking about. I asked if I avoid using all storage components that need WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, the app will not have bugs?

I think there are other components need WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. aren’t they?

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I’m really surprised that no one seems to have been ready for the date (Aug 1, 2021) for targetSdkVersion = 30, which Google has announced for a long time.
(And this apparently applies to AI2 itself and all distros).


Released… 1hr before .


For very good reasons …

Thanks for the update!

There are two ways to avoid problems:

  1. Do not use components that can save something.
  2. Do not save anything in external storage outside of the ASD.

Could you please explain this point?

what about looking at the graphical overview, which was provided earlier by @bodymindpower ?
