Index error in list while getting data from airtable

Hello Everyone i am facing a prblm i want to get a row from the airtable which is of 3 column and assign the values to different labels but what happens is that, the index which i am using is 1,2,3 but the text which is shown is jumbled means ramdonly any column value in put as first but i have used the appropriate block to choose right index

ds rg

airtable -

it Happens.
i also Created a Topic Regarding this.

Koders said to use Get Cell specifically.
( i didn’t tested that yet )

Or Go Firebase.
( i followed this one )

I was using firebase db but it was taking a bit long so i recreated my app with airtable is there any way to do it in right way

when ever you call as row then you get data row 1 as index one and so on in your case when you call as row you get in index 1 (subject_,image,Description) and same for other rows too which is list of list so you have to select first a row from which you want to show data then from that row you can select individual data and show to any lable

I am doing the same sometimes it works fine all indexes are right but sometimes it is totally jumbled

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Not the Best Method,
But can work -

(add all subject names in 2nd elseif)

Yes this can work well but I have a second screen which is having 9 cells like name ,phone number ,email ,pass, username , profile pic,acctype and class so how to sort that and if I will use different components then it will be so slow and irresponsive

Kodular should add row number with values for easy assignment