Kodular Google Maps 12010 Error

I got the error 12010 in the application I made with Codes and I tried to hide it, but I could not hide the error code (Google Maps is Working) please help


Hey. Are you using any Analytics extension?
Sounds strange, but I also had the problem and no matter what Analytics extension I had it came to errors, exactly the same as with you. Without Analytics extension everything worked again.

Seems like Google Maps and Analytics don’t really like each other since Fenix Update…

I created a new project and removed all the plugins I used before and tried again but the problem still persists :pensive: this error only applies to Android 11 devices.

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Please stop spamming and wait patiently for an answer.

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Are you the same person as Furkan_Aydan?

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no, i don’t know that person but need reply fast

Ok. You’ll need to be patient and wait for answer. When someone knows it they will post a solution. In the meantime please don’t keep asking for help over and over.

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DM me you AIA.

I think I have given all the necessary information, why did you ask for AIA :thinking:

Because I can’t see any Error in your Shown Blocks.
I can look at your Aia and may help you. You don’t have to send me your Project.

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I’m not at home, but home. I’ll throw it when I pass
thank you friend.

Hey. I was able to reproduce the error and here is my result: Use the Google Maps event “Map is ready” and set there for example “Enable My Location” to “true”. After that there is no more error message.


I will try this thank you very much :blush::heart:

I couldn’t do it, can you please send me an aia

What didn’t you get? Insert 3 or 4 blocks into your project,?