Kodular New Update

Any news about kodular next update ?

Be patience…

Compiling now
Will be online in a few hours


I am ready to clear my cookies :grin:

Me Too Brother…

Why we need to clear cookies?

if it is a major update i need to bcz last time i got stucked inside login problem, and clearing cookies will show me the latest data from kodular

Omg :heart_eyes:
Really ?


Yeah, they teased it earlier in an Instagram story and also here, in the Community :wink:

Please sir solve webviewer upload problem

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Webview component is not full browser and as far as I know it do not support uploading so there must be no problem to be fixed

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Yes it’s not a full browser, but how :thunkable: :appybuilder: webviewers have this feature. I don’t think it’s a hard problem. BTW i already got response from Diego that it will be implement soon!

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Please add these:point_down: blocks in WebView component.

  1. Loading Started → Get URL
  2. Loading Finished → Get URL
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I had a little issue when deploying as forgot something important, so started over again :sweat:
It will take a little bit more than expected


OK Dear We Will Wait For It…

@Diego Please solve webviewer upload problem. If am waiting from months…

Also, include these two.

For Now you can use extended webviewer from moliata a great exttension which contains this properties
Link :-Extended Web Viewer Extension - Extensions - AppyBuilder

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I know that.