why i m not able to copy screen and is coming error see this
Reload the page and try.
i m doing but did not gett any solution .please u try
May be some errors in your blocks.
Why you can’t copy screen1
no i m copy any screen error is coming
@iamwsumit Screen 1 has all the required properties that control the whole app like app version, splash screen…and so on… so if we copy Screen1 those properties will also be copied and will replicate like Screen1 so technically we can’t have the same properties repeated.
Maybe Network Problem.
oh thank you i got error
And what was the exact solution? As here you said that the error occurs while copying any screen and not just the screen1.
That’s why just asked
that was my mistake
This is true. Please wait I am sending a topic link.
We are still waiting!!
@Boban and @iamwsumit. Sorry for late response, See this topic.
& If you don’t trust on this, then check by Your own. Copy first Screen. But Sometimes it shows this error
& Sometimes at the time of export.
Have you tried refreshing the page?
It works for me whenever the error pops-up
i have never tried
Then try it please…