Location Sensor

Simply make it invisible.

No, the user won’t. If GPS is off it takes last known location.

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so is it accurate ?
Accuracy depends on the phone communication with the satellite right ? ,

At least it is more accurate than the location component. And works even if the GPS is off.

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Is there any video regarding how the google map location block work :slight_smile:
In the sense , the physical demonstration of the google map location block working

You will find a block called get my location, it will return a list of the current lat and lng :wink:I think it’s easy

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In location sensor itself ? and is it accurate ?

no, in google maps as @LetsCode said

Thank U … letmee scheck :slight_smile:

@Mohamed_Tamer it will be accurate right :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome.
P.S: i’'ve changed the solution, becuase i was only adding something to @LetsCode :wink:


Hey , so u had test using it right ?

Also i had done the code . Is this correct ?

The above is the screenshot of the code for an error that i gt as shown below .

i Got this problem . Why does this appers ?

tHANKING u IN ADVANCE :slight_smile:

get my location block returned an empty list, have you granted the location permission ?

when i installed the apk , notification came that there are no special access for it .?
and the apk dint state any access also .
Is it the problem of using get location or should i enable gps in my phone ?

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It is because there is no block for asking permission of location. Ask for the location permission and it will work, as your app doesn’t request for location permission that’s why google location denies your access to the location.
Follow the steps below to resolve the problem

  • Use the request permission block to request location permission
  • Set this block like this:-
    (You can also import this picture)

Hi , i am getting the same error again and again .even though i had used the block u mentioned .

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