Loop music & automatically play next track

Auto change - 1st get the song duration then set a timer of that duration if the timer is complete the change the next song.

No need to get song duration. Just set the song and start playing it when previous song finished.


Can this be achieved with airtable?

As Airtable is able to store cells, yes.

Can you please send blocks?

Did you try ??? Show your blocks…

I tried replacing the blue list block with Spreadsheet.View Name

what i mean to say is what have you tried to make those option

Play next track automatically

so what is the problem… if you don’t show your work then i wont be able to help you… upload your blocks screenshots

Unfortunately ExoPlayer has no “ExoPlayer.Completed” event, so try this:

exoplayerNextSong.aia (372.0 KB)



As I said, Exoplayer has a status changed event.

Hi Robert, how would you do that with the status change event?
I’m pretty sure that does not work.

I can make a sample for you tomorrow…

I’m waiting … and as a small incentive: I bet $ 10 that it is not possible with the status change event (to make an app that’s working like mine).

Do you bet against me? I assume you will not … but you have the opportunity to try it before. So a very one-sided bet at my expense. But I would be happy to lose my bet.

Do u have any idea to Play next track automatically by exoplayer?

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I think the only way is as shown in my example above.

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Yes, It’s working good, but remember you have to set Timer Interval to 0.

No, this does not change anything with the “lame” clock component. 30-50 ms is the minimum.