Lottie freeze on startup


I have problem with Lottie animation on startup. I have set screen to the Portrait orientation mode, but when I start app in landscape mode, animation automaticaly rotate to the portrait mode and freeze. I do not have any other component in Screen1.
Any help appreciated

If I clearly understand what you’re saying:
You set the screen to portrait in Kodular?
So you can’t turn your app in landscape. That’s seems logic to me :thinking:

If I misunderstood your problem let me know!


I set the screen to portrait in Kodular, but If I have rotated phone to landscape and I try to start app, app screen is rotated correctly but lottie animation freeze. If I start app when phone is rotated to portrait, everything works well

Maybe set a clock timer to wait a few seconds to restart the lottie animation in case it freeze

I’m also waiting for this to be fixed.

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