MicrosoftTTS: Convert text to audio using Microsoft TextToSpeech API

1. Introduction

Description: This extension can be used to convert text to audio in various voices using Microsoft TTS api.
Latest Version: 2
Released: 2023-09-20T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2024-06-02T18:30:00Z

Sponsored by @Daniel_R_Soares

2. Blocks


3. Usage

responseList is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary containing information of a particular voice.

  • Speech rate and volume can be controlled as of v2.
    volume: between 0 and 100
    rate: between 0.5 and 2
    Sponsored by @Homie


You can read more about Microsoft TTS here:

Thank you.
Hope it helps!


Hi, i tried this extension and it couldn’t work for me i putted my api key and region but nothing happen i couldn’t get any data

You might fix the typing mistake.
outputhFile to outputFile.

Show your block so we can understand what you did


the same blocks that the owner provides i only used my api key and the resource region

II get a response now but i still have this problem i thought it’s a storage permission problem so i tried to ask permission for storage first but still have the same issue

Well, it definitely is a storage permission issue.
Nothing to do with extension.


Did you manage to solve it?

Which Android version are you using for your tests?
Remember, for newer Android versions you have to ask for READ_MEDIA_AUDIO permission

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select “Download Blocks as Image”. You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


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Demo app.


@Daniel_R_Soares can You Tell me please which Notifer Aix You are using ?

I’m using this.

Nice demo mate, so here is the problem i’m still facing i tried to fix it myself cuz i like some challenge but i failed unfortunately, anyways when i set the output file to this directory /storage/emulated/0/Music/buzzquiz.mp3 the file does note save but when i set it to /storage/emulated/0/buzzquiz.mp3 the file get saved to a different directory as you can see in the image below and in both cases i can’t get to read it, if you can share .aia file of your demo it will be very helpful for me or maybe just the block images and thanks so much for the many replies of you guys and for the help :heart:

thanks for the help mate i managed to find a solution for the storage issue because i have only android 10 you can find the problem i’m facing up above, if you have anything that can be helpful for me i’ll really appreciate it

Here is the file (aia). Designed on another platform, maybe you can export it to Kodular.
Voice2_US.aia (1.3 MB)

I’ll leave the APK for you to test on your devices
Voice2_US.apk (7.6 MB)

Configure the API key and Region.

In my tests on Android 10, the permission (WriteExternalStorage) was required. This permission was not visible, but after activating the recording, it was allowed.
Tested on Android 14 OK


try a full path, i.e. file:///storage/emulated/0/Music/buzzquiz.mp3

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ChangeLog Version 2

  • Speech rate and volume can be controlled as of v2.

volume: between 0 and 100
rate: between 0.5 and 2

Sponsored by @Homie

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