My Admob Earning Is Not Updating

I’ve Implemented Admob Ads In My App And I’ve Tested Them Few Times(Not In Test Mode) They’re Working but my admob revenue is not updating its still 0

It looks like there are 0 requests and 0 impressions so I’m not sure why you would have any earnings.

how long was it published ?
Admob inicially show data after some time.

Admob analytics take almost an hour to get updated. Also I see that your account is new, so while checking them live (as you are doing) DO NOT CLICK any ads. It will get a limit.

Make sure you have done all these steps:

  • Not using test mode
  • Added your “Google Admob App ID” in the App Settings modal
  • Published your app-ads.txt file

It’s working fine now thanks

yeah i see but i also have same problem and i use facebook ads where i can get my app id of facebook and where an option in kodular for facebook app id ??

With me facebook ads doesnt work. Only StartApp, Unity and Admob that I made work

Same Start App feels useless because of CPC

really, is very low comparing with others

startapp is worst ad network i have ever seen

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Some Tips for us?

no buddy i dont have any tip for startapp…just use admob and facebook for better earning thats it

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facebook works with you, so, i who could not configure it