My app crashes after Kodular update

Hello everyone! On my device with android version 11 when I try to copy text my app crashes. I use “Device Utilities” blocks for copying. Someone can check this on their device with android 11 version (on android 8 and below everything is fine).

Please try my aia. Problem occurs after duplication screen.
test.aia (2.8 KB)

When the app crashes? in Kodular Companion or In Exported App.

Exported App

Ok then Let Me check…:grinning:
Does it Crashes in the Kodular Companior?

Yes, he also crashes in a companion, usually you need to press the “button” several times. This may sound like a joke, but I’m not kidding))

Ok! Let me check this first of all…

I tested your aia on Android 10 it is working fine without any crash :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks, on android 10 I have not tried it.


How many times you want to mean by several times? I have created a macro and started for 1299 times but the app doesn’t crash at all.

The reason is…

Screenshot (5)

Add some text in the About Screen


Add some text in the Title Subtitle

( If you don’t want to add any text then you can also try by adding several spaces. )

You can make this solution if you found this working


There is a problem with my device. Thanks for the help!

Very Helpful to Hear this :innocent: Keep it Up…

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Hi, guys. I went through a lot of difficulty after this update. All my app crashing, because it used several lists and switches that were filled by firebase after requests. So I started the app with some random names filled in. I hope they help everyone.

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