New Commissions System

The point is you want to make money and don’t like when Kodular takes a piece of your earnings. If you don’t want that, don’t use ads. If you use ads it will cost you.

If you don’t like that don’t use Kodular. But wait, how will you make some money then.


It might; it’s hard to say.


Maybe it will increase. :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::wink::sunglasses::rofl:


Same problem here

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Sir I have an approved app from kodular team but admob ads not work and also app crash after few minutes…
What I do?

Maybe some guys of you can not or dont want to read.
The admob bug is already fixed and the release will be soon.
So please no new answers about the same thing which is already fixed in next release.


No, in future updates it will be decreased.

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when the next update can be expected ? this weekend ? (excited for the upcoming big feature) and also this error fix

Why all the asking, what is not clear about this?

Stop pushing the developers. It will be done when it is done. Be patient.


The upcoming update is just a bug fix. Major features will be added in later releases.


who is pushing the developers ? I never said to release it now or then, and also they would do it when they want to ! is it a sin to express excitement here ? :unamused:


I understand you can be excited but it doesn’t help to ask all those questions to developers. They are working as hard as they can in their free time to get things done. Why not just wait and see what happens. You are not the only one who is asking the same thing. If you only see how many times they have had to answer the same questions over and over again in the forum the last couple of days because users don’t read topics or think there problem should be number one and the answer should be delivered immediately. The users who accuse the developers of fraud and take all there money as commission, etc etc.

As a moderator i try to protect the developers from any harm, disrespectful behaviour, unjust criticism, etc. And yes that makes me rude sometimes when i ask users why they act this way. I hope users understand that asking all those questions about when it will be released (for the 1000th time) only distracts the developers from what is important and that is developing Kodular.

Mika could have been working on a new feature or on an error but you expect an answer from him because you tagged him in the response.

With Kodular, users have the privilege to be able to communicate with the developers directly. What would happen if they decide not to do that anymore and leave everything to the mods and users themselves. You would still have Kodular as a product but no way to speak with the developers.

To be clear, my rant is not just about your post. So my apologies if you think i am to harsh towards you. That was not my intent.


The ExoPlayer bug, it will be fixed in the next update?

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Which bug?

Pause and resume…

Yes this will be fixed


I read what you wrote and I didn’t understand a thing, if I use admob banner you will show your unity banner or startapp banner or maybe you don’t take commissions?

They will take commission from Admob also,

That not true, @Diego said

we will instead display an Unity Interstitial Ad with our identifer


Best proof that nobody reads…