Hey folks,
name of app :
NEWS app with advanxed features .
Describe your app:
It is an news app made with airtable database
App Store/Download link:
Not available now but this app got 1500 + users on playstore.
AIA file :
Pm me
Price: pm me
Students discount available
Features :-
loading screen app opens
news loading animation main screen
shimmer effect new preview screen
one signal notifications
shortcuts option can be changed by online database
airtable database
search option
carousel view in main screen
html supported
admin app
about app popup
custom side menu
cool video player ui
YouTube data api v3 used
5 month development support
admin app will have an update
csv -1 control news
csv-2 control video database
csv-3 control shortcuts menu database
Price discount available for students and crypto payment( limited time only )
Improve the UI , I think the price is high and the code doesnot cost 8$ so UI should be professional
Updated check it so kindly remove your message it’s better if you remove or others think this false information as real @UnknownMan541 @Still-learning
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To buy you can pm me and shre your contact info
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intrested i can pay 12 $ how to buy ?
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January 14, 2022, 8:49am
You can pm him as he mentioned.
(Premium User)
January 16, 2022, 5:53am
Discount available for only crypto payment and students , mentioned clearly.
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(Premium User)
January 21, 2022, 7:33am
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
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good app has animations etc.
br0 its cool you made with airtable
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(Yash Kumar)
February 8, 2022, 2:24pm
where’s this app now and what happened with this app?
airtable database
airtable provides limited space and news are numerous
YouTube data api v3 used
how much quota you have? 10k? and what are you using it for?
why do anyone need this? is your app incomplete?
please answer all my questions before i buy it from you.
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(Yash Kumar)
February 10, 2022, 4:48am
that means your app was suspended, so we can’t upload this app again as per google’s policy because they will terminate our account thinking that we are the same developer.
(Premium User)
February 10, 2022, 10:50am
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
Good Job, but UI should be improved
(Gian Luca)
February 12, 2022, 7:10am
hi guys good morning.
Have any of you bought this app from the developer and managed to get it to work?
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