Notification Listener for 3rd Party app

Yes. but i’m not a java developer/extension developer. I have taken help of other developer to develop this extension. he is not from app inventor community. but he didn’t got result that time means when i created this topic. we tried for almost 8-10 days for it but not got output then hi give-up on this. and I don’t understand java so i stopped working on this because i don’t have any way.

I now accepted the challenge and prepared an extension to listen for all notifications, which works fine in MIT App Inventor, for details see here App Inventor Extensions: Notification Listener | Pura Vida Apps

Notification Listener Extension to listen to all notifications of your device. Packagename, title and text of all notifications will be stored in TinyDB. Also of course works if your app is not running and also survives a reboot of the device.
Minimum API level is 21 (Android 5).

However I’m using an AndroidX library and therefore it will not run in Kodular as it is. But I additionally provided the source code of the extension, so feel free to adjust it to your needs to get it running in Kodular. Please respect my license if you like to do this. You only have to replace one library or just remove the Local Broadcast Manager assuming the services annotation already works in the Kodular Extension IDE. You also can get an idea what needs to be done to get a service running in an extension.

PS: I don’t think, that a lot of users will like to use it, because of the following message, which needs to be granted by the user… you might want to convince me from the contrary… :wink:



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Great Job. :clap: :clap:. can you please tell when this this extension to be released? :relieved:
Happy new year 4 all :two: :zero: :two: :one:

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3 posts were split to a new topic: App Inventor question concerning Notification Listener Exension

Asking a profficnal deloveper will give you the right answer thanks Atom-Deloveper for giving me the solution here is the source code working for Kodular (also many thanks to Taifun for his kind shared code which made that possible) (9.4 KB)

And the modification includes also parsing the stacked notification

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blocks (2)
dont forget to use the name space as per extension as Taifun made it clear
and also notice that parsing stacked notification only works on android 7 +

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com.atomdeveloper.NotificationListener.aix (11.3 KB)
here is the aix Enjoy
Atom-Deloveper Thanks again


thank you @Atom_Developer
my understanding was, the services annotation still is not available in Kodular?
which means, someone who likes to use the modified extension in Kodular needs to additionally modify the manifest for this to work?



The annotation which was added in appinventor sources would not work in kodular because they compile and generate the extension in a different form but I do not use that version to compile the extension, I use a modified version of extension template which eventually adds the required manifest elements to the activities array in the json inside extension,and the appinventor compiler does not do anything with activities string inside json so at last the activities array text is directly added to the app, so it means that if you give any text inside the array, it would be added to the manifest , same goes for broadcastReciever array in the json

So the @UsesServices annotation works differently in my extension template

According to the answer above, no.


I have tested with app but it is showing null value for title:"". Don’t know why. Other apps showing title also. Is it possible to solve. @Atom_Developer

Notification Screenshot


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maybe its not a title ( its a

yes. there should be more notification parameters then we can able to fetch complete notifications.

@Atom_Developer Please add more Parameters/Strings to read complete notification.

To add new methods in the extension I think the right way is to contact the developer and be a sponsor for such method :slightly_smiling_face:

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I Think there is very minor update required to solve this issue. After that Extension will rock…
Because it has unlimited use cases…

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Downloaded .aia file and instaled on my Samsung Galaxy S9+ Android 10.
But app crashed!
So, i remake the new app, block by block, and install.
But app crashed!

Any idea?

my notification listener extension currently only works in MIT App Inventor…
you have to use the adjusted extension version by @Atom_Developer from here (post 50)


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Thanks @Taifun and @Atom_Developer