Features of the USER APP:
- Clean and minimalist UI
- Instructions for the delivery boy when picking up and delivering the order
- Information on the route, distance, time and cost.
- Messages for every action the delivery boy performs (When he picks up the package, when he is on the way, when he reaches the destination and when he delivers the package).
Real-time tracking​
of the postman and button to call him (see video at the end of the post).
- Other screens such as profile, data and orders placed.
Features of the DELIVERY BOY APP:
- Push notifications of new orders when the app is in the background.
- List of pending orders and switch to activate or deactivate your status as delivery boy.
- Instructions for picking up and delivering the package. Confirmation messages in each change of order status to avoid mistakes.
Sending the location so that the user can see your position in
Other screens such as profile, data and orders placed.
Demo video: Left user app - right delivery boy app
- Address search function added (See video below).
- 2 versions available:
- Version using Google Maps API (Greater precision, but paid after a request limit has been exceeded)
- Version that uses a free API (less precision, but completely free)
- Bugs fixed.
- Translating or changing texts is now very easy, everything is in a .json file.
- Added restrictions and animation if there is no internet connection (auto show and auto hide).
USER APP apk for test
DeliveryApp_User_v1.2.apk (8,2 MB)
DELIVERY BOY APP apk for test
DeliveryApp_DeliveryBoy_v1.2.apk (8,2 MB)
login with:
email: [email protected]
pass: abc123
PM me for aia.