Hi, I have a problem parsing a string from a bluetooth device that transmits data collected from multiple ESP32 slaves via ESP-NOW protocol.
The blocks and project attatched are a standalone playground before i implement it, so i have
to enter a random string by hand to see the result.
My situation: My ESP32 master is sending a string to android which can for example read like this:
The letter represents the device id and the number the measured value of a sensor.
The string length and content can vary, since the slaves only propagate, when the value changes,
so they can look like: d3424;h23424 or b2331;c234234;g345345 and so on, you get the idea.
What i want is that the app splits the string in a way that for example b3424 will change variable sensor_b value to 3424 and so on.
I tried a lot and searched the interwebs but i still can’t wrap my head around this problem and only came to a partial solution. The code attached only works with the letter alone. The string a;b will set the value to the letter, but once i make it a123;b234 the value is empty.
I know there is still no routine to separate the letter from the value, at this state i just wanted to
see if it assigns a id+value string to the right variable.
If we mean the same, yes. As you can see at the blocks i am splitting the string up into a list at ; , look for specific letters in the list, when the letter is found aquire the list index position and set the corresponding variable to the value. Or at least i tried as it obviously doesn’t work as intended but i don’t know where it goes wrong.
You can ignore value3 and value4, it is just in there to see if the string gets processed at all.
Yes, I had a look at dictionarys, but it seemed like it was only suitable for “static” data.
I have a hard time to understand kodulars functions without examples and make use of them.
I modified your example a bit to see what every variable does and recognized that i can’t leave out a sensor value like for example a12;f56 string or i can’t inverse the order like f09;e87;d65;c43
My goal is to throw any csv string at that algorithm as long as it contents have a leading letter and is followed by integers for my sensor usecases.
I already have the sensor network transmitting to android via the ESP32 master in this string layout: 5335;38355;1111111;3534;1111111;1111111 . A 1111111 value represents sensor value hasn’t changed (random out of ADC range value) and in a fixed order. But when i shorten the string by excluding the 1111111; i have to identify which value is which sensor. That’s why i have to add the letter.
Thanks again I have to wait for the weekend to come back at this problem
Thank you very much!
Your code had the problem on my side it sets empty variable values if you don’t enter values for all sensors in one string, but i think i managed to solve that by excluding empty values from processing and at the same time i added a “is number” condition.
I will start implementing that into my app tomorrow, that is enough for today