Permissions not working

Hi I am a new guy to Koduklar. Trying to create permissions for Location. But now working.

I used by referring as follows

Allows an app to access approximate location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION .

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: “android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION”


Added in API level 1

public static final String ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Allows an app to access precise location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION .

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: “android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION”

Use just the permission name: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

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  1. Use “ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” only as permission name.
  2. The desired result (popping up the location permission dialogue) will come only after building apk, not in companion.
  3. In case of location sensor, I faced that in which screen it’s imported (if location disabled at first) it will pop up. If denied then on any event also it will pop up until request granted.

I tried in both ways as you guys told before posting this. No popup is coming

You can only ask for a permission If the permission is added into the manifest.

Doesnt make sense to request a permission which is not needed


How can I add permission in manifest

Its done automatic if a component needs a permission


I will try tomorrow and let you know. Thank you

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And some android version do not give permission like that, the app must be given permission manually from settings

We are talking about runtime permissions here, this means Android versions with API>22. On all these Android versions the permission has to be asked and granted manually. For Android API<23 the permission will be asked and granted at install-time.

Decompile the APK, edit the Manifest and insert / paste this line into the Manifest:
But does it make any sense if it is not needed?


I am coming from AppyBuilder and have this issue too, how can I resolve it?

Please show your blocks.

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I deleted old app from the phone and now it does not ask anymore. But the location sensor of kodular is very slow and is not showing the correct location.
do you have the same?

where is this to find:

In screen’s drawer blocks