Problem with App Bundle Signed

Does anyone know how to resolve this about app posting to the Google Play Console?

“You have uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle signed with a key that is also used to sign APKs sent to users. Since the Google Play App Signing feature is enabled, you must sign the APK or Android App Bundle with a new key before uploading.”

I’ve tried all sorts of ways, but to no avail.

Go to Kodular creator preference page,


Export/Download keystore as backup and save it at safe place..
Delete koystore.

Export new app and upload to Google (after you build an app a new keystore will be created, also you should create an backup of this keystore as well)


P.S. You might need to reload creator to see the new keystore…


hi, Boban! I did all that and the problem, unfortunately, remains.

That shouldn’t be the case, if you deleted the keystore

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