Problem with my app's screen size

Translated to English by admin:
Hi! I have a problem with my application and it is the following: when I download the apk and look at it on my cell phone, it looks the size and proportions that I want it to be, but if I pass the apk to my colleagues, its size varies and the components of the application how can I make this not happen? If you can help me, I would appreciate it a lot since it is for a school project and many people have to download it, in advance, thank you very much

Note from admin: The forum’s official language is English. Please post in English only. You can write your question in notepad, then copy the text and use Google translate to get the English translation to post it here.

Show us a screenshot of your app’s designer screen. How did you position your components?


As seen on other cell phones, it changes place and becomes wider

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How it looks on my cell phone and I want it to look

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Different phones have different screen aspect ratios.

So your app may look perfect on a 16:9 aspect ratio but will look different on 21:9 aspect ratio.

Unfortunately I’m not 100% sure how to solve this.

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Anyway, thanks :blush:

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I’ve been trying various things but nothing is really working. If I ever figure it out I will post a solution here (if someone hasn’t already done so).

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I’ll wait for it, thanks
( I found the solution, it was to put the% in the components :sweat_smile:)

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In all components you must use the measurements in percentages.

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Using % is no guarantee of success depending on what you’re displaying.


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