Repeat vibrate x times

How i can repeat vibrate ?
i use sound1, and set vibrate 100 / stop / vibrate, but it dont work.
i try install extension, call vibrate1 100 / call vibrate1 stop / call vibrate1 100, it dont word
how i can set if x = 1 and vibrate 100
x = 2 vibrate = 100 and repeat 2
x =3 vibrate = 100 and repeat 3
x = 4 vibrate = 100 and repeat 4
x = 5 vibrate = 100 and repeat 5
x = 6 vibrate = 100 and repeat 6
thank you very much

I do not know how you set x so I assume that x is a global variable. Try something like this


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my fualt, x is firebase value change, if firebase value tag = 1, get value = 1 then vibrate
if firebase value tag = 2, get value = 2 then vibrate 2 times
if firebase value tag = 3, get value =3 then vibrate 3 times
if firebase value tag = 4, get value =4 then vibrate 4 times
if firebase value tag = 5, get value =5 then vibrate 4 times
if firebase value tag = 6, get value =6 then vibrate 6 times

Then if tag is 1 then set global times to 1, set clock to true, if tag is 2 then set global times to 2 set clock true etc…

When firebase got value
1.Call procedure times to get tag
2. Set clock1 timer enabled to true

I hope no need to use multiple if else statement t and all…

As per the above, vibrate will happen according to tag value

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How to “STOP” Vibrator using Button

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Great! “its Working Priya… its working” (Dialogue from Indian Movie 24 Hours)

Thanks :heart: for your Extension. Its very easy to use. and needs less blocks.

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