Retry loop for password attempt

Guys, does anyone know how to create a loop to try a password with Kodular’s While test?
When the user tries to enter the password and it is wrong, he will be informed that his password is incorrect. After three attempts he doesn’t get a final message so he sees the system administrator.


If this is incorrect can someone help me?

Remove the global counter 0 on button click, else everytime it resets to 0. Keep the remaining as it is and test

Also your if else tells if the password is correct it will alert user to contact system admis

I removed the global 0. Now, how do I make the message “contact the Administrator” appear at the end of the loop?

The while loop will make your app unresponsive which will result in a runtime error…

Replace the while loop by a clock component


I don’t know how to do this with the clock, do you have any examples there?

it works fine for me


if you use tinydb, then you can continue the same rule even the app is reopen again else every time you will be givven chance users three chances

I’m going to try this within my context but my question is in what situations can I use the While test do without crashing the system?

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