The website is probably cached or other reason. Anyway, the user is suspended so he can’t edit the post anymore.
so its probably good too many people who cant open the webpage
How to use This Extension Any Aia Or Documentation
Use Horizontal Scroll
Which method are you facing issue in?
I Am New How to use this Extension pls give me a aia file
3 Tab use like WhatsApp
Tab 1. Tab 2. Tab 3
Hey @vknow360 everyone would love if you could bring a new block that is so useful when working with scroll handlers.
When the scroll arrangement reaches the end.
A dedicated block like the one Colin’s Scroll Handler has.
You should use ViewPager.
Have you checked latest version?
I’m sorry but I cannot find the block.
I checked your documentation but I could not find the block I was talking about.
how? to scroll up with the arrow button
I also went through the documentation and applied it to my application but it scrolls only very little.
Yes that event is not there.
But you should have come across this:
If so then you should use FullScroll method.
I cannot download your latest 1.3 version and
how to use these 2 blocks?
So am I supposed to use them in a timer event??
Won’t that slow my app?
Why can’t I find the AIX file? please help me.
thank you very much! !
Why can’t find a similar code block go directly to the bottom.How to reach the bottom?
You are using Colin Tree extension?
Yes it is。
Is this correct?It needs to run several times to reach the bottom.How to reach the bottom?