Select list item: List index too large

Welcome to the community. This has been asked many many times before. Next time use :mag:

If you want help show the related blocks


Welcome. Posting just an image is not enough. I unlist this. And please search the community this has been asked many many times before.

I do not get solution from those search.

I can not believe that sorry. What have you tried?

Please check my block if there is a correction please tell me and help.

And which blocks would that be???

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Please check my block if there is a correction then please tell me and help.

If you want help you have to give the info that is asked, else there is no use in asking.

Try again

And how does your airtable look like.

it sems to be, your list is empty…

use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools