Using back device button inside webviewer

hi, i have webviewer with follow links activated in my app.
The problem is that when i navigate inside the webviewer the back mobile button doesn’t work…
any ideas?

Insert whatever kode you want here:
component_event (1)


hope it helps.

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Try this :

Yes this is good. Better would be to do the following:

@m75sa use this for your explicit problem:
blocks (51)

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And also we can use go home.
It prevents some errors.

hi @Yoshi,
i tried your block but i see the white page when i click on the back button (on the home page)

doesn’t work… i see white page when i’m on the home page and try to go back…
blocks (6)

Yes did you set the HomeURL in the Designer?

Do it like this -
And instead of “open another screen” place block according to your need.

This will get him directly into the Home URL. This is not what he wants.

Mark it as Solution if it works.

I checked, you created one more post asking about white screen.

He has three posts here, and one post on the AI2 Forum. But

This isn’t what OP wants.

He is encountering a white screen, which probably due to empty HomeUrl.

The solution was marked in the post # 2

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Yes, @m75sa use this method:

it should work now.

Nop, open another post

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