Using DEL key in designer

I found out that you can not use the DEL key to delete components. The DEL key still works in the blocks editor but not anymore in the designer. Was this done on purpose or is it possible to bring the use to the DEL key back?

It worked for me earlier today when I tried it :thinking:

It’s working. :roll_eyes: Strange

I just found it only worked on my progress bar :thinking:

You need to actually click the component on the phone preview rather than the component on the components list / properties panel.

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I have a listview image text. If i open and close the properties and click in the designer on the component and press DEL nothing happens.

This also happens with other components.

So when the properties are open you can not use the DEL key when you click in the mockup.
When you close the properties and click on a component in the mockup the DEL key sometimes works and sometimes not. I still haven’t found something that always works.

It always seems to work for me when the properties are closed and I click the component on the phone preview, but It doesn’t work when the properties are visible.

@Vishwas Is this possible to fix?

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I think i found it.
Imagine an mockup with an Button1, Checkbox1 and Listview1

When you open for instance the properties of Button1 and then close it and click in the mockup on Button1 the DEL key doesn’t work. But if you open the properties of Button1 and then close it and click in the mockup on one of the other components the DEL key works.

It’s because the last click you’ve done needs to be on the component
If you click on a property, and then in the background, it won’t work. But if you click on the component and then hit DEL without hitting anything else before, it will work

But i click on the component. It even gets a red border. But pressing the DEL key doesn’t work.

Click on the component on the tree view