We can think of the future with the kodular in front of us

We can think of the future with the kodular in front of us.kodular will be with us as it has served so well now. Appybuilder or other without coding builder like this builder will be lost at some point… :thinking: :thinking:

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TL;DR Kodular is not going anywhere.

AppyBuilder was merged with Kodular due to unfortunate circumstances. Presently, although the ride is a bit rocky right now, Kodular is doing well and will likely do well in the future as well. There’s no need to worry about where Kodular will be in the future, because no-code is actually rising in popularity, and many professional developers are moving in that direction. Professional developers who develop Android applications? I’m not so sure, Web Developers? Yes.

Kodular may have been in trouble at one point because people were pumping out earnings apps by the bucketload and Google came down on Kodular for that. Thankfully, Kodular now has an approval process for monetised apps and does not approve earning apps. So we should generally be safe.

However, Google can at any time disallow apps from app builders and force people to make them using Android Studio. I think this is unlikely but is a small risk to be aware of. The other risk is that Kodular bleeds money and can no longer function. For the time being this seems unlikely as well.