What is the Internal Storage Path of my Phone in Makeroid_?

Hi Everyone,

I am new with Makeroid, i am used to AppInventor.

I have imported one simple aia file from Appinventor to Makeroid, which changes the picture of an Image Component (Image1) when a button is clicked.

There are two buttons :slight_smile:

  • Button_IMG_01 sets picture of Image1 to image19.jpg which is located directly in my phone’s internal storage, So i indicated in the Click event of Button01 : Set Image1.Picture to : /mnt/sdcard/image19.jpg
  • Button_IMG_02 : same procedure, then sets Image1.Picture to : /mnt/sdcard/image28.jpg

Both images are located in my phone’s internal storage.

In Appinventor, the apk works fine, the two pictures are well displayed on Image1 Component after Button.Click event, but when imported to Makeroid then rebuilded whith, the new apk doesn’t change the Image1.Picture according to the Button clicked.

Here is a capture of my blocks in Makeroid :

Please, would you like to bring me some help to solve this issue ?

Thanks in advanced !
Waiting for your suggestions !


Try this path;

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try the full generic path, which is file:///mnt/sdcard/image19.jpg


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Dear Yusuf Cihan ! :slightly_smiling_face:
Dear Taifun ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot for your precious help which solves the problem !
Both of your Suggestions are working on Appinventor, but only /storage/emulated/0/image19.jpg is working on Makeroid in my Phone.

So, it seems to me that it depends on the Phone model (mine is Samsumg Galaxy Note 8), this one do not recognize the full generic path file:///mnt/sdcard/image19.jpg if apk had been compiled with Makeroid, but it works fine on the same phone if compiled with Appinventor !

So, to be sure to make our apps working on all phones, we may always proceed first to test both of pathes before assigning the correct one to a Picture’s image.

Once again, Great Thanks to you all for your precious help !
Best Regards !


that path might not work on all devices…
therefore to use the the full generic path, which is file:///mnt/sdcard/image19.jpg is recommended


Well noted !
Thanks a lot dear Taifun, for this precision, and for your precious help !

Best Regards !

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