What is the size of List view image & text big element?

Dear, i use kodular listview image & text, and i need to know what is the size of listview image big element, i mean what is the dp for big element?

This is a big element on listview image & text.

please help me.

Thanks in advanced.

In designer you can select the size of the item: Normal, Small or Big

Yes , i say what is the dp size for big item size?

Select Big, but you can’t change the size. I hope you understand me…
Edit: You can’t custom image size.

I understand that i can’t change the element size. But i need to know what is big default element size in dp?

I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer to about dp … I suggest you set listview in portentage to be the same for any screen size.

Edit: you can used Custom List View by Colin Tree extension: You can custom image size