Well, not really anything else… In fact, as it is written in the post you shared, there is also a VLF-transmitter of French Navy. It is used to communicate with our nuclear submarines. So if one day, one of our sub launch a nuclear weapon, think about me
I’m really really into pyramids and how / who / when they were built and what they mean. There are many many mathematical subtleties around the Great Pyramid and also astronomical references. And connections to large peoples and their places of worship around the world. Fascinating. I’ve been there before, but only climbed three or four steps. A camel policeman came and asked me to leave.
I was listening to a report earlier on the radio about increased car theft in the United States, about Corona and staying home, and so on. So it was actually said: “Even in sleepy Salt Lake City, the authorities find an increase of 70%.” Can someone say something about it?