TrueSunriseSunsetCalculator 1.0 Calculates Sunrise and Sunset


To complement my MoonPhase Extension I present another celestial calculator.

This will calculate the sunrise, sunset, and solar moon of any location in the world at any time. This is an on device calculation, no API required.


Instructions and Examples.

This is the basic coordinates for Reykjavik Iceland. Here is the input, here are the blocks used, and here is the output.



I have two more blocks that are a little buggy. I will update this shortly. They are to show you the days left to the summer and winter solstice. So if you use them and it crashes, you have been warned. I think it is an issue with Android versions. Still working on it.

Download . TrueSunriseSunsetCalculator.aix (19.7 KB)


At June 20 2019, the sun rises at July 20 2019 02:03 and sets at July 20 2019 23:09.
If it’s true, Cian sucessfully hacked the sun using a simple extension. Congratulations! :clap:

It is Iceland on the Summer Equinox . This is for today :slight_smile:


What SHOULD be timezone for Bangladesh in your extention

& your extention need data connection

Your extention link was expired. Plz give the link again


the extension is not available

The extension is not available for download. It gives error.