White screen on app start

Use this one blacksplash


Btw, Whether you disable this or not, a white 1x1 image is loaded…

the problem has been solved?

Nope nothing works. Not even the splash 1x1 image. So I’m just going to change the page to white so it’s not noticable… I’ve tried it in all my apps and they all do the same thing.

it’s android that does that. unfortunately nothing can be done about it.

That’s odd as it works with any project on all of my devices…

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You don’t get a white screen before screens loads?

Splash screen works on mine. I used this image that matched the background of my app and I don’t get the white screen.

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See here or you can try below apk’s https://photos.app.goo.gl/VsLa43kXxBvTBeK96

blacksplashcolor.apk (5.2 MB)
bluesplashcolor.apk (5.2 MB)
greensplashcolor.apk (5.2 MB)
redsplashcolor.apk (5.2 MB)

I think I have a clue. My accent colors I never changed. I think android is using accent colors when rendering animations. When I get home from work ile try to make some changes and post it tonight.

g1013new.apk (6.8 MB)

Here I am app I’m rebuilding that shows the white screen.

Just checked your app and it’s white but even your resources image is white, did you really change the splash screen image…


For me using a 1x1 pixel works very well.

I’m at work at the moment. I have been making changes to a test app I have in my projects folder. I work on the project at night & on weekends

ok, so i have everything possible set as the hex color blue. 1x1blue splash img and i am no longer getting the white screen. obviously its blue now. so users wont notice it. im waiting to rebuild the apk with everything still the same but only disabling the screen1 splash img.

That happens with all my apps too because it is a transition when opening an app. Using a splash image may fix this…

Ok with everything the same & only disabling splash the white screen is back. I’m honestly giving up on this. I’m just going to enable the splash and move on with the project. I want to say thank you all very much. Your help has been invaluable & much appreciated.

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I’m getting more and more confused by your replays, if you want your chosen image to work as splash image then why in the heck are you disabling it…

And yes if you disable it, it will rollback to default which is white.

I think I left out an important part of this issue, my apologies.

I have a 5 second splash animation on start. If I use the built in splash image then it flashes for
less then a second then loads the ui.

Here is the most updated app so far with all the updates. I added a top notification when the Audio stream is playing. (It controls the player now), when you tap on people images it shows a detailed info bottom sheet. Please let me know what you think so far.
g1013new7.apk (7.0 MB)

Here is the current version already published

Here it works as expected however, if you are concerned about the white part att the bottom then there is nothing you can do from Kodular to fix this, only doable by decompiling.

P.S. it’s navigationbar you see at the bottom that is white…