Why i find other ads show in my app?

i have simple app actually webview app , i just put admob banners , but sometimes when i open the app i find ads from startup or other show in my app ???
i didnt use any other advertisement network ?
and i didn’t use mediation for this ?
and i know the banners free to use with no commission

Can you post a link to your app please?

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What type of problem are you getting reply me

All Ads component Have commissions Not only banner All Component Kodular Takes Commison

Kodular Commision System uses Startup ads So It shows Startupads Sometimes Not all the time

i am also using this but i never got any start up ads???

Then How dose Kodualr take Commission They Add Their Ad in You app (Startupads)

I think You Have Removed commission in Kodular

See this topic:-