why is the Consume method deprecated? How can a product now be consumed to be able to be bought again?
the link didn’t resolve my question
I think you should switch to the official In App Billing component by Kodular, which is available in the Monetization - General drawer
It is the component official, consume function does not appear :c
Never used In App Purchases but if you see in the above topic there is a test project to see how it works. Maybe this will help you , otherwise you should wait for a more experienced member with the specific component to help you
When we updated the component to use the official Google Play Billing library, it broke the consume block so we decided to deprecate it until we fix it.
as workaround you might want to use the billing extension meanwhile…
I want to use this component how can I do that
What are the benefits of not using a merchant ID if I cannot make a currency purchase?
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