Why same keystore showing in my all which I am creating?

Same keystore is showing in my all apps and I am unable to overwrite that keystore.

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That is correct. Your keystore is unique and same for all projects

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You enrolled in App Signing so Google can manage your keystore in case you lose it one day.
Because of that you need to upload your app with a different keystore now.
Make a copy of your keystore, download it in a safe place in case you need it for your other projects, and when you are sure you saved it in your hard drive, go to your project in Kodular and delete the keystore.
After that, build the apk again and try uploading it to the Play Store. It should be accepted now.

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Ok. But when I am exporting keystore, It is same for all apps.

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I think @Hossein was clear in his answer.


As I know it should be unique for all projects and If my keystore unique that’s why I am getting this error. And when I delete keystore from any project, It deleted from all project autometicly. I am facing this problem for last 7 days. I think it’s kodular glitch only in my account.

Where did you read that? That is not true. All blockly based builders use the same keystore for all projects.

And you shouldn’t delete your keystore. Why do you do that?

Why do you think that also?

Because in my friend’s acount, Every project has an unique keystore.

And who is your friend?

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Maybe someone who has published 4 apps: one with AI2, one with AppyBuilder, one with Thunkable and one with Kodular. Then he actually has a unique keystore for each app. :wink:


It is not possible if he uses MIT


I understand that if you enroll in App Signing, then you need to have a different keystore for that particular app. At least that’s what I did. I enrolled in it when I tried to upload my last app and it told me I needed to have a different keystore. So I made a copy of it, deleted it from Kodular and generated the apk again. After that the Play Store accepted the app without any problem.