Keystore issue when publishing on the playstore

Hi community,

Ive been trying to publish my app on the playstore , but I get an error message saying my key is invalid. Ive tried by deleting the key on my kodular preferences , but i still got the same error, what shoud I do ? TIA for your help

Is this the first version of your app you are publishing? Or is it an update? Please provide a screenshot of the error message


Hi Taifun,
It is a first version as i’ve lost my playstore key (published 10 years ago)
I’ve first tried to update the old app but the key i found was not good, so I think ive done a mistake trying to delete the key on kodular to publish without key (i know now it was stupid) and now im trying to upload a new key im generating on Keystore explorer. Ive put the alias : androidkey/name : android.keystore/password : android , but now i’m facing this issue :

Thanks for your help

Double-check that you’re using the correct keystore file and alias when signing the app. If you recently changed or deleted the keystore, you may need to regenerate it and update it on the Play Console.

Hi Mikedular,
Thank you for your message
I am now trying to generate a new key with keystore explorer and upload it on kodular (as I deleted it on kodular) but kodular says "something is not right "

I’ve build my aab with no key (as suggested in another post) and asked google to manage my key but i got the error message :

I would prefer not to use management of my key by google as ive no idea where to find this key in case i need to do any udate of my app later

Update : I found key on my computer, so i’ve added to kodular and it worked. But same issue with playstore :

I’ve found 2 diffierent keys so I’ve tried both and i got the same issue

I have also tried to make a new kodular account and uploaded my .aia file, but in the settings of this new account there is no key