Ad Manager Down

Last Day Google admanger Revenue Down 1k+ to 100-150 impressns

Anyone notice the issue??

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You also same issue last day??

Yes!! Google ads manager Very poor performance

I am switching to admob again!

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for me the issue is that ads working in apk build with old version but if i build it now ads manager ads not working thats it


There are Many problems in google ads manager

Kodular team still no response :pray::pray::zipper_mouth_face:

Same issue.

Ya it’s true that no one is responding about the issue

Last 3 Days Impresion Is very low what is the issue anything with our side??

Did you update your app in last 3 days?

@Vishwas @Diego


Yes! I update my app

Nop i didn’t Updated

Look last Days Impressions fully down​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Will be appreciated if staff respond about the issue. I have to update app

I am also facing this issue

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We’re looking into it. Also, we expect to make a release this week, fixing banner issues and adding other pending stuff to other components.


Ok please do something Fast beacouse we lose our revenue…No ada showing now impression is very low