Add Deep Link Support In App

can i share my link here

Not the green block in the extension , the yellow ( get start value block ) in the control category.

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ok but can I share you the link will you be able to attach to extension

Here are the steps:
1- go to this link :
2- type your host : ex: https and your scheme ex:
3- verify you aren’t a robot :robot:
4- click the download button.
5- import the extension.
6- on screen iniitalize use get start value block (control category ) to get the url the user redirected to the app from.

Ok let me try and can I share you the link

i think no need for this, but if you want share it , no propblem:slightly_smiling_face:

Shall I pm or here

You can post it here.

Ok will be some numbers ). I needed the whole url when the user click on it

Okay, when you import the extension you will find the url in this block:

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Hii I am not able to get url and my app is not showing in the search list please can you update and share me the extension. Shall I have to create website for this ?

What host and scheme has you added?

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Host :- https://
Scheme :- the app will launch if you typed :
not any thing else.

But i want to add numbers after = in url

And in block section I had added that when the screen initialize set label 1 text to get start value is this wrong ?

And I also tried deep host extension but I won’t get any reply from him

Can you try to remove /joincode= i think it should work.

Ok ill try

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