Admob doesn't Showing on the latest version

hello , I just made the application, then I put an ad admob. My admob ad has been verified on the Kodular Panel Ads.
when i run the app on android … the admob ad doesn’t come out … can anyone help? but when tested in codular work

What the Error Message it showing??

no error message

Use error to check whats the error?

how to use it

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use admob component. There is a block name when ad load failed. Use that block to know whats the error.

well i will be approved

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Bro it show error why admob not showing ads in your app. If you are approved its good but that block is to check even after the approval why ads are not showing in your appp…

Can you help me to make the correct blocks and how can I display the ads? I still don’t understand

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wait i will send a block screenshot.

use code to check error…

the message states cannot load banner ad (401)

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Then its an issue with your Account.
Please try new ad id…

so , I have to create a new admob account again?

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No create new ad id only…

I have done … but still not running ads … how do I make a block to call the correct banner ad?

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Try it after sometime…

Mine is same prb admob ads not showing after update

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Banner Ads or Interstitial

banner ads