AdSense Permission [ERROR]

I added an AdMob to my app, with normal ID and functionality (a simple Footer banner), when accessing the App from Android (installed by APK to test and then launch to Google Play) I come across the “You App has not been approved to serve ads. Please, go to Kodular Account and request its activation” warning that makes me unable using the App, I researched and needed to request a use permission for AdS and on my account, I requested permission to use AdS (with Kodular getting% as I read), I informed that my App will go to Google Play and which does not have any perjorative content, etc… However, it states that “Apps that will go to Google Play do not need our approval”, so how can I fix the warning issue when opening the App?

“You App has not been approved to serve ads. Please, go to Kodular Account and request its activation”

You need to download from Google Play Store, if you install from apk then it will show error.

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Ohh…Once again I have to write that amazing post:grin:

Your app needs approval if you want to install it from apk and it does not matters whether it is on play store or not.
It does not need approval if you want to install app from play store.
Apk ( even it is on play store ) = needs approval
Play Store = does not needs approval

So best is to take approval so that it will not show that dialog anywhere.


I hope this helps

My app build in kodular is asking me to take permission before serve ads and I don’t know where to do that

Go to and request for approval.