Canceling screen 1 from appear

let’s take another way :thinking:
what can list to CSV table block can do?

during live test, click “Do it” to see yourself. it is simple as that!

i know what it do , i mean what it will do in this case
Reduce 7 sec, as a new way to think

what about tiny db ?? :thinking:

Elaborate please.

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If using tiny db solves your issue then try it.

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tiny db will solve this issue
i’m working on that

tiny db will can be usfule if i can run the app evry day in the background
is it possible ?
building db on my SQL or run app evry day in the background

Apps made with Kodular Dosen’t run in background.

Can’t we Do it Like this.

Copy Screen1 with another Name.
Delete all Components of Screen1 making it Empty.
Now Cut Components of Screen which we want to Replace with Screen1 and Paste it on Screen1.
Copy all Blocks of that Screen ( which we want to Replace with Screen1 ) in Bagpack and then Paste it on Screen1.

This will Hardly take a Minute or Less.


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