January 27, 2021, 1:28am
Hi , someone who can guide me to save an edited canvas to firebase storage?
Do u know to save it normally in device storage,
Do u know to get the stored files
Do u know to upload a image to firebase
January 27, 2021, 1:50am
im newbie on kodular, but i know how to save on device storage , and how to upload to firebase storage , im trying to upload the edited canvas directly on firebase storage…it can be done ? or first i have to save on device storage ? thanks
There is a block for canvas to save at a specific path use it the pathe should be like /storage/emulated/0/heymyapp/img1.png
And to store it in firebase use this path
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January 27, 2021, 12:21pm
Firebase Database won’t save image.
To Save Image
You can make the Canvas to Image by either using an extension or using save property
Extension ComponentToImage
Using this extension you can convert any view/component to image and save it to storage.
The image will be created as per the components same width and height.
You can convert Layout, Buttons, Labels …etc
Any change on the component, eg: Round corners will also reflect in image
Note: The component should be visible
I created it as per the request and idea from @Angelo_Angius
First one is the label and the second one is the converted imag…
And then upload to Storage
This may also help you
Hi Koders,
I observed that many of you have been encountering issues on Firebase Storage so I decided to make a guide for beginners and it may solve some of the issues .
So Lets Get Started
Firebase is a service by Google dedicated for back-end services.
One of their services of Firebase is Firebase Storage .
Firebase Storage helps in Storing Files etc.
Firebase Storage is located in Components ~ Google ~ Firebase Storage in Kodular
With Firebase Storage Component you can add …
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January 27, 2021, 12:43pm
Thanks a lot for your Answers ¡!¡ really appreciate it