Very simple extension based on Tim Qi’s library, to create a circular ring progress or sector progress view.
CreateRing: Method for creating a Circular Ring Progress View. Parameters: Arrangement input: Arrangement where the Circular Ring will be displayed. Number percent: Number with the percent of completion (from 0 to 100) of the task. Note: The size of the circular progress will be the same as the arrangement where it will be displayed.
CreateSector: Method for creating a Circular Ring Progress View. Parameters: Arrangement input: Arrangement where the Circular Sector will be displayed. Number percent: Number with the percent of completion (from 0 to 100) of the task. Note: The size of the circular progress will be the same as the arrangement where it will be displayed.
Circular Ring Progress
RingBgColor: Specifies and returns the color of the circular ring background. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: Light Gray.
RingFgColorStart: Specifies and returns the color of the circular ring stroke’ start. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: Orange.
RingFgColorEnd: Specifies and returns the color of the circular ring stroke’s end. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: Red.
RingPercent: Specifies and returns the percent of completion (from 0 to 100) of the task. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: 0.
RingStartAngle: Specifies and returns the start angle of the ring’s stroke (from 0 to 360). Also available in Designer Properties. Default: 0.
RingStrokeWidth: Specifies and returns the width of the ring’s stroke. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: 15.
Circular Sector Progress
SectorBgColor: Specifies and returns the color of the circular sector background. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: Light Gray.
SectorFgColor: Specifies and returns the color of the sector indicator. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: Orange.
SectorPercent: Specifies and returns the percent of completion (from 0 to 100) of the task. Also available in Designer Properties. Default: 0.
SectorStartAngle: Specifies and returns the start angle of the sector start (from 0 to 360). Also available in Designer Properties. Default: 0.
Known issues
- In the sector progress, when the percent is set to zero (0), and the start angle is different from zero (0), the background is set to the same color than the sector indicator.
- Setting a different background or foreground color during runtime won’t update the already created sector view. To update it, it is necessary to run the CreateSector method again.
.AIX: com.pedroza.CircularProgress.aix (17,6 KB)
.APK: CircularProgressExtension.apk (2,2 MB)
Note: Download links are broken, please download from the Thunkable community here Circular Progress Extension - ClassicExtensions - Community
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