Doubt with AdMob component

Hi Koders, I’m a rookie in kodular. I am developing my first App and I am trying to add some AdMob banner. I have added the Admob Banner component and I have inserted the ID Unit and when I check the test mode box, I can see the test banner in companion perfectly, but if I uncheck the box, it does not show me any banner.

Is it a normal component behavior when found in companion?

Will the banner look correctly when the APK is generated and installed?

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If you are going to upload your app in play store ,your app will shows ads like test ads but if you are not going to upload your app on play store goto account section and approve your app ,then ads will works perfectly .

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Hello, I have one more question about admob, when they add the banner component for example in the field of the id they put … that of the application? Or create a banner ad block and put the id of the block?

Thank you.

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Just put banner id
Make banner ad invisible ,

And create blocks like ,
when screen initialize call banner ad ,
When ad loaded banner ad visible to ture

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