Check that the php code is connecting correctly to your database. Check username and password. In some databases the servername is “localhost” and in others you have to put a url.
Which server do you use?
Show your code to see if it has any error. If you put a wrong comma or write a wrong space it doesn’t work …
If I use deep host extension, this php script works ok, so no error with connection on my php
Do you right “my secret pass” as sql key
There is a connection error…
Here’s the code that connects to your database. I get “Bad Request”. I think it means it’s not connecting to your database.
man, my secret pass is S1@@md:g
my secert pass is S1@@md:g
after I will change
I’m talking about your sqlkey. Is it: my secret pass
NO, it is:
Just a sample man above,
I am using like that:
//This code is something you set in the APP so random people cant use it.
I Just changed SQLKEY to string without special caracter and now works
I think this is import to say on tutorial
You’re welcome
happy you got your solution.
note added in the documentation
thank you
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