Facing new type of problem with "Spinner" component


Hey Koders!!
Here i’m creating an app where date(List of tags) is called from Firebase into spinner component.

The Problem
After calling the tags into Spinner Component and testing
I’m not able to select the first item(pic: “Team@SPY”) until i click on any other item and then click on 1st item again.
If i’m trying to use Use Prompt block, my 1st item will be wasted(i cannot extra item for Prompt in database)
If their is a way to add Item for Prompt within the app and then join it with the data called from Firebase…Please tell me and help me.
Please help me Thank you

If the first item is not getting selected then why don’t you set the first item to ‘Select’ as it will look as a heading and it will not get selected

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Thanks for reply man!
but the problem is still their…
Pic1: Look at the Spinner Component. If i’m using only the called value from Firebase, i’m getting the values separeted(which is correct, like Name1,Name2)
Pic2: As you told to use first as ‘Select’, then my called data from Firestore are working as a single value. Which i really don’t want to have.
Can you help with that?
Thank you :innocent: :pray:

What you can do is create a list which will have the value ‘Select’… When firebase got value under that add a for each item list block whose list will be values… Under for each item add an add item in list block whose list will be the one we initialized… And in that the item will be the item of for each item block… And the for each item block set the elements of spinner to the list we initialized at the start

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