I basically need to know where are the positions of specific text in a text.
I made my own code that works but it’s super slow and i need to work with json files that are more than 250kb in size.
i would love to be able to use Starts At block but i didn’t find any way to make it working
I know how could it be done.
search for the “text” in text and store that pos into variable, then search for another one by setting
the starting pos to variable+lenght of “text” (to skip the first result) but when im trying to make loop until there are all, it doesn’t work…
that… could be probably easier and the solution, but still don’t have any idea to search from it I was trying 5 hours already making this to work and it still doesn’t work… If you wouldn’t mind, could you create easy code that will find the “v”: "composition: from text: scene.json.txt (258.8 KB)
using this dictionary…
i have tried some of the examples and tutorials and still don’t know how to find this…