[Free] Flood Fill Extension. Fill area of an image with a color

Hello friends,

  • Fill an area of ​​an image with a color.

  • The image file must be in the SdCard (root or folder). Example: file:///mnt/sdcard/kitty.png

  • A Canvas.TouchDown is necessary.

  • Each time the color changes the file:///mnt/sdcard/kitty.png is modified.

  • Using the “ CopyAssetFile ” block, you can copy a file from the asset to the SdCard.
    (base destination is: /mnt/sdcard/)

  • If you want to resize the image, use the “imageWidth” and “imageHeight” blocks.

p187Ci_extension_rellenar.aia (199.5 KB)

Juan Antonio Villalpando.


Wow best extension

Keep make extension of canvis

Good Work, Appreciated

It will be in my app soon

Wonderful free extension

I wish you could make a canvas for painting


@juananton1991 can this?

Yes, draw canvas and save. :relaxed:

When I export to apk when I open a screen with the component in the screen I will not open the screen D:

Check whether Min SDK Level is set in Project Settings
(Project Settings > General > Minimum SDK Level)

Also if new error occurs
Tick & Untick Splash Screen, Show Lists As Json, RTL Support
(Project Settings > General)


The extension itself needs to be updated as it has fixed paths and it wont work on Android 10+

p187C_extension_rellenar.apk (5.3 MB)