[Free]MySQL-My First Extension

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It Includes Android X Library

Why can you not share the aix? You are showing blocks from Niotron.

@Peter I Just Have Updated

i am using click here
i this is why it is showing like this

nice extension, but I think maybe we can add any column name and it’s values by using “list” component

Yes I will try

This is how you use it

Nice extension

Thank You @SG_Gaming @Amit_Narwal

how to get id after post ?

@Kakashi Please Wait Until The Next Update Comes I will add in the next update

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Wait what? This just generates MySql query.

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please follow the naming conventions!

and add a detailed description of what your method is able to do…
it looks like an INSERT INTO statement but only for one specific table which has the columns
dealername, pdf, orderId, location and date? Does this make sense? Who will be able to use it?

Also it looks like this solution still needs a php script on the server like this one App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: MySQL | Pura Vida Apps
btw. if you copy parts of a solution from somewhere, then please credit the author…

Why it’s a good idea to give credit by Corey Wainwright.

Thank you.


Sure I Will Follow The naming conventions

And what about giving credit to Taifun?

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New Version Launching Soon

If Want To Join The BETA You Can PM Me

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Are you going to sell it?