Google admob not showung

My app is not showing google ads instead its showing unity ads… Please help

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What problem it returns?

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All these because of new commission system …Read this

No, it’s not.

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May be . But Really app showing unity ads & as per the news if we use ads in app then app will show 9 time our ads & one time unity or start app ads…

As per announcement , I can remember that Kodular is taking a commission from 10 to 20%. But, it’s not the reason of Admob ads problem. My all apps are working fine.

Thats great even my app is also working fine but he is saying admob ads not showing. unity ads showing . Then according to you whats the issue…

Now a days there are lots of online app inventor platforms are helping to create apps to those who don’t know coding. And, most of users are creating low quality apps. They are trying to make money, not to learn. That’s the serious problem is. Admob is not showing ads on low quality apps.

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Anyway, @dk1111 I would suggest you to use this block to check what the problem is on your app.


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